Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008


Norgren has donated the primary pressure regulator. These are relieving regulators. Assume that you extend the cylinder or the apparatus the cylinder is attached to against a wall. Then push against the wall with your robot. That would increase the pressure in the cylinder. The increased pressure will relieve out of the regulator and the cylinder will slowly retract. This
regulator has a maximum output pressure of 60psi. This regulator must be placed in-line right after the tanks to limit the pressure to all working circuits to 60psi. It is adjustable and the outlet pressure may be reduced at your discretion. Look at the top of the regulator. You will note that one port extends out a little bit more than the others. It also has an arrow on it to denote the outlet of the regulator. The opposite port is the inlet. A pressure gauge may be placed in either of the other ports. You will have to plug the other gauge port with the enclosed hex plug.

Monnier has donated the secondary regulator, which has a yellow ring around it. This is also a relieving regulator. Its purpose is to allow you to have a reduced pressure leg, if needed. There is an arrow denoting the direction of flow. The gauge may be placed in either of the other ports. The Monnier bag provides you with plugs to put into the gauge ports.

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